Signs Your Windshield Wasn’t Installed Properly

31 Things to Look Out For

Unless you lease or purchase a new vehicle every couple of years, the chances are high that your car will need a new windshield while you have it. This can be due to normal weathering or because of damage, but eventually, you’ll need to have a new windshield put on your vehicle. When you need a new windshield, you’ll know, and you should get one installed as quickly as possible. If you got your windshield replaced by someone you suspect to be less than reliable, you may start to notice a few new, not-so-fun features with your car. In this blog, Advance Industries, the top-rated auto glass repair and replacement company in Highlands Ranch, will go over a few warning signs associated with improper windshield replacement.

1. No Gloves or Suction Cups

Though it may not seem like it, windshields have a special coating applied to them to help them stay sealed to your car. Urethane covers the windshield, which helps adhesives bind the glass to the vehicle. Not only does this process help keep the windshield on the car, but it helps keep things that shouldn’t be in your car outside. If you see things like water, leaves, twigs, or other forms of natural debris, then the seal on your windshield may have been compromised. This can happen when an auto glass installer doesn’t wear gloves or use suction cups because the natural oils on our skin transfer to the glass when we touch it. This interferes with the bonding chemicals taking hold and results in various leaks or cracks in the adhesives, allowing things like water and debris to enter your car via your windshield.

2. Unsure Of The Glass Manufacturer

Unlike hats or as-seen-on-TV products, there is no one-size-fits-all windshield. Windshields can come from one of two places: the original manufacturer or a reputable auto glass maker. These auto glass providers know exactly what must be done for each individual piece of auto glass and how it fits on your certain model. If you ask your auto glass replacement person, “Where did this windshield come from?” and they don’t know, take your car and get out of there ASAP. A reputable auto glass replacement company will know exactly where your replacement windshield came from. If they don’t, chances are your windshield was made with aftermarket parts or, even worse, taken from a junkyard. The moral of the story is to ask your windshield replacement company where they got your windshield from before they put it on.

3. Water Sneaks In

As we said before, if your windshield replacement person isn’t using gloves, then the bond between your windshield and vehicle may be off, which will allow water to seep in when it rains, snows, or you wash your car. They may have also not taken the time to properly clean away your old windshield or set the adhesive for the new one right. A good auto glass replacement company will not only clean out every piece from your last windshield, but they’ll also know exactly how to install your new one without any damage or slip-ups while placing the glass.

4. Noises

Like a haunted house or your stomach after eating that gas station burrito, you’ll know you made a mistake with your windshield when you start hearing noises you don’t normally hear. If it wasn’t properly installed, you may hear a whooshing, rattling, or shaking noise coming from the corners or sides of your windshield. The noise is made from winds going through the cracks of your windshield at high speeds. This is most likely because of improper sealing due to debris getting in the way or from the technician not placing the glass correctly.

5. Premature Green Light

Just like any other glue or adhesive, the chemicals used to make your windshield stick to your vehicle need ample time to dry. If your auto glass technician says you can drive your car immediately after they’re done placing it, they either don’t know what they’re talking about or haven’t done their job properly, ever. An auto glass technician who knows what they’re doing will tell you when the adhesive should be set by, ensuring your new windshield has enough time to cure and stick to your vehicle.

6. Misaligned Windshield

If your windshield looks off-center or the edges aren't aligned with the vehicle’s frame, this is a clear sign of improper installation. Misalignment can cause uneven pressure and stress on the glass, leading to cracks and eventual failure.

7. Windshield Wipers Don't Sit Properly

If your windshield wipers are not resting evenly on the glass, or they skip spots while in use, it might indicate that the windshield wasn't installed correctly. Proper installation ensures the glass sits flush with the car's frame, allowing wipers to work effectively.

8. Presence of Air Bubbles

Air bubbles trapped between the windshield and the adhesive can compromise the structural integrity of the installation. These bubbles are often visible around the edges and indicate that the adhesive wasn't applied correctly or uniformly.

9. Uneven Molding

The rubber molding around the windshield should be even and smooth. If it appears wavy, loose, or uneven, it could mean the windshield wasn't seated correctly or the molding was improperly replaced.

10. Glass Distortion

Look through the windshield at various angles. If you notice any distortion or waviness in the glass, it could be a sign that the windshield is of poor quality or was improperly installed. A quality windshield should provide clear and undistorted visibility.

11. Improper Adhesive Application

Excessive or insufficient adhesive can both indicate improper installation. Excess adhesive can ooze out and look messy, while insufficient adhesive can lead to poor bonding and leaks.

12. No Documentation

Reputable auto glass replacement companies provide documentation about the glass used and the installation process. If you weren't given any paperwork or warranty information, it could be a red flag about the quality of the work performed.

13. Rattling Noise

Beyond the whooshing noise, if you hear a rattling sound when driving over bumps or rough terrain, it suggests that the windshield isn't secured properly and is moving within the frame.

14. Sealant Visible Inside

If you see sealant oozing inside the car or around the edges of the windshield, it means the seal was not applied cleanly and could be compromised, leading to potential leaks and structural issues.

15. Fogging Around Edges

Fogging or condensation around the edges of the windshield can indicate that moisture is getting trapped between the layers of glass due to poor sealing, leading to potential long-term damage.

16. Misaligned Windshield Components

Components such as the rearview mirror, rain sensors, or camera systems attached to the windshield should be perfectly aligned. Misalignment suggests improper installation.

17. Vibrations at High Speeds

If the windshield vibrates or shakes when driving at high speeds, it indicates that it isn't securely attached and could pose a safety hazard.

18. Difficulty Closing Doors

A properly installed windshield helps maintain the structural integrity of your vehicle. If you notice that your car doors are harder to close or there is a new noise when closing them, it could be due to an improperly installed windshield affecting the car’s frame.

19. Sealant Odor

A strong, persistent odor of adhesive or sealant inside the car long after the installation suggests that the materials used were not cured properly, indicating rushed or substandard work.

20. Damage to Vehicle Interior

If you notice any damage to the dashboard, paint, or upholstery near the windshield, it could indicate careless work by the installers, suggesting a lack of professionalism and attention to detail.

21. Unremoved Protective Tape

Installers often use protective tape to hold the windshield in place while the adhesive sets. If this tape is still on the car long after installation, it might indicate a rushed job where the adhesive didn't have time to properly cure.

22. Leaking Windshield Washer Fluid

If you find that your windshield washer fluid is leaking or that the spray nozzles are misaligned, it might be a result of improper installation affecting these components.

23. Stress Cracks

Cracks that appear soon after installation without any impact damage are stress cracks. These can occur from improper installation techniques, such as over-tightening or not allowing enough time for the adhesive to set.

24. Gaps in Seal

Visible gaps between the windshield and the frame can be a clear sign of improper installation. These gaps not only compromise the structural integrity of the windshield but also allow air and moisture to enter.

25. Inconsistent Sealant Application

The sealant around the windshield should be applied evenly. If you notice areas where the sealant is thin or missing, it indicates poor workmanship.

26. Poor Paint Finish

If the paint around the windshield frame is scratched or damaged, it’s a sign that the installers were careless. This can lead to rust and further damage to your vehicle.

27. Windshield Not Sitting Flush

A windshield that doesn't sit flush with the frame can be a sign of improper installation. This misfit can lead to leaks, increased wind noise, and structural issues.

28. Warranty Refusal

If the installer refuses to offer a warranty or guarantee on their work, it’s a significant red flag. A reputable company stands by its work and provides warranties to ensure customer satisfaction.

29. Adhesive Residue

Visible adhesive residue on the glass or surrounding areas indicates that the installer did not clean up properly after the job, suggesting a lack of attention to detail.

30. Misaligned Trim

If the trim around the windshield is misaligned or loose, it indicates that the installer did not secure the windshield properly, which could lead to further issues down the road.

31. Inspection Failure

If your vehicle fails an inspection due to the windshield installation, it’s a clear sign that the job was not done correctly. This could have serious implications for your vehicle’s safety and legality on the road.


When it comes to windshield replacement, ensuring that the job is done correctly is crucial for your safety and the longevity of your vehicle. Recognizing the signs of improper installation can save you from potential hazards and additional costs down the line. If you suspect that your windshield wasn’t installed properly, it’s essential to address the issue immediately with a reputable auto glass company.

At Advance Industries, we pride ourselves on providing top-notch auto glass repair and replacement services. Our team of skilled professionals ensures that every windshield we install meets the highest standards of quality and safety. If you’re in the Highlands Ranch area and need a reliable auto glass service, look no further than Advance Industries. Contact us today for a free estimate and let us help keep you safe on the road.


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